All the Write Sounds
The reading program created for YOUR child!
Jump to Level → 1: Vowels & Consonants | 2: CVCs | 3: Blended Consonants | 4: Digraphs
Level 4: Digraphs
A digraph is a combination of two letters that make a single sound, like "ch", "sh" or "th".
Play-doh or kinetic sand
White board & marker (or paper & pencil)
Letter cards and/or word cards
Tray optional
Parent Video
Steps to Success:
1. Parent: Watch this Level 4 Parent Video
2. Work on the activities included underneath this video until your child is comfortable reading and writing digraphs
Your Goal for Level 4
Work on the activities below until your child can do the following with digraphs:
âž” Read the words using Sound Balls
âž” Write the words
âž” Sound check spelling using Sound Balls
Choose Your Next Adventure!
Below are some fun activities to help get your child comfortable reading and writing digraphs:
Reading with Sound Balls & Letter Cards
​Roll Play-Doh into small balls (These are your Sound Balls)
Choose a vowel card to place on the table or tray
Choose consonant cards to place on either side of the vowel card. Start with either a beginning digraph (like "ship") or an ending digraph (like "wish"). As your child gets comfortable with these words, you can progress to words with both beginning and ending digraphs, like "thick".
Place a Sound Ball below each sound - two letter cards that make one sound will only get one sound ball.
As you pronounce each sound, SMASH the Sound Ball for that sound!
Then, grab all the Sound Balls and SQUEEZE them together as you pronounce the word!
Replace the consonants to create a new word. When you're ready, replace the vowel with a new vowel card.
​Reading with Sound Balls & Word Cards​
​​Roll Play-Doh into small balls (These are your Sound Balls)
Choose a Level 4 word card (download here!) to place on the table or tray
Place Sound Balls on your table or tray - one for each sound. Remember, two letters that make one sound only get one Sound Ball.
As you pronounce each sound, SMASH the Sound Ball for that sound!
Then, grab all the Sound Balls and SQUEEZE them together as you pronounce the word!
Replace the word card with a new word card and repeat!​​
Word Chain Practice
Download the Level 4 Activities
Open and print the Word Chains PDF
Choose a word chain from the word chain list
Write the Focus Sound at the top of the worksheet
Fill out each word of the word chain. (You can use sound balls to help you.)
When word chain is fully completed, go back and color in the focus sound for each word in the chain.
Underline the focus sound in each full written word.
Lastly, read the words bottom to top aloud.​​
Treat Trail: Letter Pairs
Download the Level 4 Activities
Open and print the Treat Trail Digraphs PDF
Follow the instructions in the PDF to play the Treat Trail game
ch vs tr - The Racecar Game
Download the Level 4 Activities
Open and print the ch vs tr PDF
Follow the instructions in the PDF to play The Racecar Game
Digraph Online Games
Visit my Free Online Games and have fun learning while playing!